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About Pediatrics Association of India

The Pediatric Association of India (PAI) will be committed to improvement of physical, mental, social and spiritual health of children of this country and protection as well as wellbeing of the doctors and paramedical for children and newborns.

The PAI will dedicate itself to the improvement of global health of children from birth onwards irrespective of diversities and backgrounds. It will try to do more for the under privileged children and under privileged areas. The society will dedicate itself in achieving the goals of getting normal newborns with adequate growth and development potential. Going ahead to have a good scholastic performance and to prepare them in the adolescence to have good reproductive life.


1. NAME OF THE SOCIETY: The name of the Society shall be : "PEDIATRICS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA."

2. REGISTERED OFFICE OF OF THE SOCIETY: The registered office of the Society shall remain in the Union Territory of Delhi and at Present it is At 318/42-A, B-Block Gali No. 4, Rajiv Nagar Delhi-110093.
Administrative Office Anywhere in INDIA



The aims and objects for which the society is established are as under:

The Pediatric Association of India (PAI) will be committed to improvement of physical, mental, social and spiritual health of children of this country and protection as well as wellbeing of the doctors and paramedical for children and newborns.

The PAI will dedicate itself to the improvement of global health of children from birth onwards irrespective of diversities and backgrounds. It will try to do more for the under privileged children and under privileged areas. The society will dedicate itself in achieving the goals of getting normal newborns with adequate growth and development potential. Going ahead to have a good scholastic performance and to prepare them in the adolescence to have good reproductive life.

The association will look to the interest of its members working in under privileged areas and in peril either natural or manmade.
1. To serve as advocates for newborn, children and adolescents and help their families with reference to attainment of optimal physical, mental, psychological and social health of children and adolescents up to 18 years of age.

2. To encourage and advance the knowledge study and practice of the science of pediatrics in all possible ways.

3. To promote scientific collaboration amongst members and make rules regarding standards for their professional conduct.

4. To organize, establish, conduct, superintend or control institutions for promoting directly in indirectly, practice, study and research in Pediatrics, newborns and Adolescents in any of its aspects.

5. To establish and maintain libraries, reading rooms, laboratories and research centers for the promotion of its objectives.

6. To provide facilities to students, scholars and institutions for the study of or research in Pediatrics in any of its aspects by way of scholarships, fellowships, grants, endowments, etc.

7. To found, maintain or award, either itself or in co-operation with other bodies or persons fellowships, prizes, certificates, diplomas of proficiency in the science of newborn Pediatrics and conduct such test, examinations or other scrutiny as may be prescribed from time to time.

8. To print and publish official Journals of the society, books, periodicals or publications on Pediatrics. Adolescent and allied subjects which the society thinks desirable for the promotion of its objectives.

9. To train up personnel for carrying out the objectives of the society and to incur necessary expenses for the purpose.

10. To organize conferences, lectures, meetings, seminars, CMEs, exhibitions for the promotion of its objectives.

11. To facilitate formation of Districts / Zones in India for promoting all or any of the objectives of the society.

12. To consider and express its views on all questions affecting child health in India and to study, suggest, criticize or otherwise, advise or take part in the framing of laws affecting the science and practice of newborn, Child Health and Adolescents

13. To co-operate, affiliate with other bodies and also to engage in such other forms of activities as may be decided upon by the society from time to time for the purpose of carrying out all or any of the objects of the society.

14. To appoint officers and other staff as may be found necessary or convenient for the conduct and management of the affairs of the society and pay them such remuneration as may be prescribed from time to time.

15. To do all such other things as may be necessary, incidental, conducive or convenient to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them.

16. Provide professional assistance to its member to uplift and upgrade their knowledge from time to time in case of the newborns, children and adolescents. The standards will be decided depending upon the work environment. They will be encouraged to fix their own target for the population where they are working.

17. The organization will be the media through which the Doctors caring for children can vent their and the children’s need.

18. The society will facilitate in educating parents, public administrator and policy makers to promote child health.

19. Provide scientific inputs and expertise to individuals, groups, institutions and Government or its agencies in newborn, child and adolescent health with proactive roles in various committees set up by Government of State/Indian Union and agencies working for the betterment of Child care.

20. Provide services, benefits and assistance in meeting the needs and challenges inherent to their work. The Association will try to mitigate the genuine difficulty arising out of their professional life by liasoning with the public and administration.

21. The Association will maintain a charitable character and will serve children of under privileged area and children in adverse situation.

22. To do all acts deeps, things which is not written there and deem to sit and proper for the upliftment or to fulfillment the objects of the society or to be add / in future by the Governing body of the society any other best.

23. To achieve above objective the society shall raise money by way of contribution by members, grants, donation; charity gifts etc. that may not violate or contravene any section of the Society Registration Act, 1860.24. The society will invest money and funds according to the Society 11(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

All the incomes, earning, movable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects as set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the society or to any person claiming through anyone or more of the present or the past members and no member of the society shall have any personal claim on any moveable properties of the society or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership. If upon the winding up, there remains after satisfaction of all debts/liabilities any property whatsoever; the same shall be transferred to some institution having similar objects of the society at before the time of dissolution.