Rules & Regulations Pediatrics Association of India
- Members
- Associate Members
- Supportive Members
Members: An Indian Resident holding a degree / Diploma in Pediatrics after MBBS from any recognized Institute.
Any Indian resident holding a degree from a MCI recognized Institute and has spent 10 years in elaboration of child health certified by two members who served the society not below the rank of executive member (Past / Present) in Zone /Centre.
Associate Member: Post graduates of Pediatrics with certificate from Head of the Department.
Doctor with MBBS degree who don’t fulfill the above criteria.Industries and Corporate serving to the needs of children.
Supportive Members: Para medicals interested in pediatrics and having work experience in pediatrics discipline not less than 5 years, duly certified by two life members not below the rank of executive member (Past / Present) in the zone / centre.
Any associate life member who has satisfied the criteria of a life member will be accepted by the executive board for such membership.
Only the members can vote in election of the District, Zone or Centre. Associate members and Supportive members have no voting power.
The journals will be available to members and associate members only. Supportive members are not entitled to receive journals. Communication deemed fit can be given to them.
NOTE: If the Governing Body of the society does not approval the membership the reason of refusal shall be communicated to the persons / applicants concerned.
An entrance (Admission) fees and one time subscription will be charged to all members, associate members and Supportive members.
The money will be received in the District. 20% of the subscription fee will be remitted to the zone and 10% to the Centre. 70% will remain in the district for their welfare work. The Admission fee will be retained in the District.
If husband and wife are eligible for couple membership in any category and each has to pay 70% of the prevailing rate. But they will be receiving only one communication in the name and address preferred by them.
No person working in the foreign country or with degrees from any other country expects India will be accepted. Any member going abroad in a short term basis will get information from the Office in his address in India only.
The Journals or Communications from the Association will be sent to the Districts directly with copy of the recipient’s name to the Zone. The distribution will depend upon the district to the members. If any member does not receive the journal he will issues complain to the president of the district with copy to the zone and mater will be resolved there.
The proposed charges as under :-
Admission fee: Rs. 100
Subscription Fee :- - Member: Rs. 100
- Associate Member : Rs. 1000/-
- Supportive Member: Rs. 500/-
In the case of a member the district will retain Rs. 1200/-.
The respective zone will get Rs. 400/- and the Centre will get Rs. 200/- only.
At present there will be General Members, Associate Members and Supportive Members. Governing Body society shall decide and finalizes types of members in its Governing Body Meeting called for this purpose. Membership fee, Subscription and voting powers of such member shall also be finalized in same meeting.
The Governing Body of the society shall have the powers to expel / terminate a member or / and members,from the membership of the above society, on the following grounds.
a) On death
b) On written registration
c) If found to be involved in any anti social activities
d) If adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender
e) If found guilty by means of anti propaganda of the aims and objects of the society
f) If fails to pay the subscription of contribution for the three months.
g) If has not attended three consecutive meetings
h) If disregards Rules & Regulations or disobey the decisions of the Governing body.
NOTE: The decision of the Governing Body regarding the termination from the membership of the society shall be communicated to the member concerned.
All the members of the society will continue the General Body of the society.
Members of First Governing Body/Executive Committee shall be known as founder Members of the society.
Governing Body has right to appoint any distinguished / eminent person(s) as the Patron(s) of the Society from time or time.
b) Meeting: General Body meeting shall be held once in every year regularly.
c) Quorum: The quorum of General Body meetings shall be ½ (Half) or more of the total strength of the General Body members of the society. If there be no quorum within half an hour of time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to a later time on the same day and same place. No quorum is needed for the adjourned meeting.
d) Urgent Meeting: Urgent General Body Meeting may be called by 5 days short notice but he quorum for same urgent General Body meeting shall be ½ (Half) of the total strength of General Body. If there be no quorum within half an hour of time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be dissolve.
All and every member of the society shall have the privilege of:
a) Receiving the Journal through the District at a subsidized rate and the district has to pay for it and ask for the total no of Journal they need.
b) Other publications will be free of cost but distribution will be through the district only.
c) Can attend conferences, CMES, Meetings organized by the Association paying prescribed fees.
d) Use structure build by the Association for Academic Pursuits.
e) No member will be allowed communication while outside India.
f) Members can contest to bear the office of the Association.
g) Fellowships will be restricted to members only.
h) Have right to collect the Identity card after depositing the required / prescribed. (Fixed by the Governing Body of the Society from time to time.)
All and every member of the society shall:
a) Elect the Governing Body of the society.
b) Attend the General Body meeting regularly.
c) Give the necessary information to the society, pertaining to any matter, which is necessary to be known by the society.
d) Not indulge in activities, which are prejudicial to the aims and objects and / or the Rules & Regulation of the society.
The organizational structure of the society will be strictly in 3 tires.
There shall not be any sub chapter, groups or cells to dilute and disturb the organization. Interested group can meet during the conference formally.
The importance will be given to the 1st tier.
1st tier – District, 2nd tier – Zone and 3rd tier – will be Centre.
- 1st tier – the District :
Each district will be having 50 to 100 members it will be divided into two and a new number will be assigned to the second only by lottery.
The district will have the following office bearers.
1) President : One
2) President Elect : Nil
3) Past President : Nil
4) General Secretary: One
5) Treasurer : One
6) Member : 3 to 19
7) Executive Committee (E.B) members.There shall be one EB member for every 20 members or part. Thus the minimum will be 3 and the maximum 5.
They will be directly elected by the members in a gathering on 3rd Sunday of November of each year to work in the coming calendar year.
They will hold office for 2 years.
EB Member to the Zone:
The President of the District will be EB Member in the Zone.
The district will open its own account and for any purpose demanding a PAN Number they will have it from the Zone.
For the election, the President will act as the election office. He can do the election by secret ballot or direct voting. It is a secret ballot the ballots will be counted in front of the candidates and the members. In case there is a tie for any post the President will have a second vote.
-2 nd Tier – The Zone :
As described there shall be 6 zones with definite prescribed geographical areas, i.e. States.
The Zones are as under:
1) Zone I: Small Eastern States, Assam, Orissa and West Bengal.
2) Zone II: U.P, Bihar, Jhrakhand, Uttarakhand.
3) Zone III: Rajsthan, Delhi, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana.
4) Zone IV: Gujurat, Mharastra, Goa, Daman Due.
5) Zone V: Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu.
6) Zone VI: MP, AP, Chhatisgarh.
Minimum of 10 districts are required to from a viable zone. If any defined zone has less than 10 districts they will be attached to the nearby zone of their preference. As soon as they will reach the desire number the definite done will be formed.
Till that time the districts will be given an additional number with the zone they like to be working with.
The zone will have its office in any place decide by the EB members of the zone. It will have a separate registration with the local authority and will have its account as well as PAN no. the zone will give Income Tax return directly. The districts will furnish their income expenditure details to the zone at 30th April of every year to enable the zone to produce to the Income Tax Department in time. Any district which will default is producing the Balance Sheet by end of 30th May till be taken as zero return and if by Tax enforcing authority will be found guilty it will cease to be a District of the organization and no Tax liability will be fixed on the zone.
The zone will be having the following office bearers
1 – The President, 2 – the President Elect, 3 – Past President, 4 – the General Secretary, 5 – the Treasurer, The Editor, 7 – EB Members: Two from each district.
The tenure of 1 to 3 will be 1 year.
The tenure of 4 & 5 will be 2 year.
The editor will be for 3 years.
And, EB members will be 2 years.
The President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor will be elected from the EB Members.
Till the zone has less than 15 districts each district will send a 2nd EB member by election. After the zone has 15 or more districts, only the President of the District will be EB member to the Zone.
There shall be an Office permanent or in rotation to different head quarters.
The office will have one office Assistant and a helper. If work load increase the EB will decided to increase the working force.
General body can change the definition of zones depending upon the need.
- 3 rd Tier – THE CENTRE:
The centre will be more a coordination committee. It will have the following office bearers.
The President
The President Elect
The Past President
The Secretary
The Editor
The Treasurer
EB Members
There shall be 2 EB members from each zone. Thus a total of 12 EB members will be there. The President of the zone will be one EB member and the zone will select another EB member from amongst the EB members of the zone. They will hold office for 1 year only. The zone will select the EB members in the 3rd week of December in the 1st EB meeting. In this meeting the other office bearers will be elected to take up their office. It will be usually done along with the conference of the zone. Zonal conference will be in the 3rd Saturday and Sunday of December of every year.
If there is no conference in any particular year then 1st EB will be conducted in the 1st week of January to elect EB members to the Centre and proceed with the activities of the Zone.
The EB members elected will elect the office bearer from amongst themselves and the Past President will be the Presiding Officer. If there will be equal member of votes the Presiding Officers vote will not be counted.
Every communication of the Association will be done to the President only. The Secretary will look after the office. Account will be jointly operated by President and Treasurer. The President signature or his nominee’s signature will be a must.
The President post will rotate within the zones and its central office will shift to the zones accordingly. The secretary, treasurer and editor of the zone will act as the joint secretary, Joint treasurer and joint editor for that year. They will be entrusted the office work as deemed fit by the President in consultation with the secretary, treasurer and editor respectively.
The Executive Committee comprising of the office bearers and the EB members shall be the highest decision making body. Though there will be a General body meeting in the conference time it can forward the issues to the executive committee which will meet twice in the conference time both at beginning and before validation.
There will be at least two EB meets and if the President desires so or 50% or more EB members demand can be more EB meets with financial consideration. The amount to be spent in EB meeting will be decided by the members in the 1st EB meet. The operational details and remuneration to the members to attend the meeting will also be fixed at that meeting.
There will be an office Administrator: Temporary
There will be a clerk: Temporary
There will be a sweeper: Temporary
a) Governing Body shall be responsibe for the management and administration of all affairs of the society, and is also authorized to appoint any office bearer /executive member to look after any particular activity. Governing Body shall have also the following powers.
b) To take necessary steps for the implementation of all the programs and policies drawn by the General Body.
c) To pass the necessary expenditure to meet the day-to-day requirements of the Society.
d) To take decisions on application for new membership.
e) To prepare plans, Projects and programs.
f) To manage the affairs of the society and to keep control over the property of the society and all its assets.
g) To invest the funds of the society not immediately required in such a manner as amy be determined by the Governing Body.
h) To sent representative(s) to any exhibitions or contents and training etc. within or outside India.
i) To appoint Returning Officer and his/her powers to complete election process.
j) To appoint the Patron(s) of the society.
k) The executive Committee can arrange the loans up to Rs.. 10 lakhs (Rupees Ten Lakhs Only) from any Bank or Financial Institutions and if more than Rs.. 10 Lakhs is required approval of General Body is compulsory.
l) To arrange and receive the loan from any Bank(s) or from any other legal entity or individual(s) on reasonable terms and conditions, the Governing Body as a whole shall be liable for its return.
m) To accept donations, grants, gifts, contributions, subscriptions and endowments.
n) To establish and collect funds and accepts donations in cash or in kind to utilize the same and the income they’re from form the purposes of Society.
o) To receive money, securities, instruments and or nay other movable property for and on behalf on the society.
a) To enter into agreement for and on behalf of the society.
b) To take all such other legal steps which may appear beneficial for smooth / better management of society.
The composition of the Governing Body shall be as under.
President : One
Past President : One
President Elect : One
General Secretary: One
Treasurer : One
Editor : One
Executive Members: From To
In case of any dispute or arbitration, decision of Patron is final.
President shall be the subject to control and supervision of Governing Body, have the power to make general directions and management of the affairs relating to the Society.
The President of the society shall also enjoy the following powers and duties.
a) President shall summon and provide over meetings of the society.
b) President shall have the power to call any emergent meeting by short notice.
c) President shall have the power to allow inclosing of nay subject matter in the agenda for the discussion in the course of proceeding / meeting
a) At the time of voting on any matter / subject (expect Election), if the total votes of the group’s members happen to be equal in number the President haste power to cost an extra vote to decide the matter / subject.
b) In the course of any proceeding of the Governing Body or the General Body the decision of the President shall be considered as final (in case of dispute to the meaning or interpretation of any Rule.)
c) In case it is necessary to decide any point / matter/ issue urgently and there is no time to call the Governing Body meeting, the President have the powers to decide the point / issues / matter, but he / she shall bring the matter to the notice of the Governing Body as early as it is possible.
d) President will sign all the papers / letters on behalf the society to conduct its correspondences.
e) To appoint / terminate such staff as may be required for creative & efficient management of the affairs of the society and from the remuneration.
f) President will get the accounts of the society audited by the Qualifies Auditor appointed by the Governing Body of the society.
The Past/ Elect President of the society shall enjoy all the power of the President in his/her absence.
General Secretary shall circulate the notice to the concerned office Bearers and Executive Members / Governing Members.
General Secretary will prepare the membership Register as well as the Proceeding Register to record the minutes of the proceeding of the Governing Body Meeting and the General Body Meeting and have them duly signed by the members who attend the meeting.
a) All funds of society shall remain the care and management of Treasurer of the Society.
b) Treasurer shall maintain the accounts of all money, which is received and/or paid by him/her on behalf of the society.
c) Treasurer will ordinarily hold a cash balance necessary Rs.. 1000/- (or the amount which may be fixed by the Governing Body of the society from time to time) to meet the emergent needs relating to the society.
d) All the cash excess of the above amount (or the amount fixed by the Governing Body) shall be deposited in any Nationalized Bank/Banks, selected by the Governing by the Governing Body of the society.
a) Executive member is the important part of the Governing Body.
b) Executive member is supposed to attend all the Governing Body. Meeting and also the General Body meeting of the society.
The Districts will not have conferences.
The Zones will have their own conference in 3rd Saturday and Sunday of December.
The National Conference of the Association will take place in 3rd Saturday and Sunday of January each year.
The National Conference will rotate zone wise. If any zone will express inability then the next zone will take it up and the zone will also forgo the National President Elect post as the president elect will be from the same zone holding the national conference. They will not get the privilege till it come in rotation.
The expenditure of the conference will be reviewed by the Central EB from time to time and money will be forwarded to the Organizing secretary who in most of the circumstances will be the president elect but he final word rests upon the some whether to accept or reject the Organizing Secretary as a EB member to Central an taking subsequent charge of president elect.
The zone which will take up the national conference will forgo the Zonal Conference of that year. It will be enacted with the National Conference.
According to the IMC instruction the Journal of a National Society / Association is accepted for publication which will be considered valid for promotion in teaching post.
The Journal of the Society will strive to accommodate as many write ups as possible to help the youngsters. There will be an advisory body to look into so called sub standard write ups directly contact with the authors to modify and elevate its contents.
The Journals in bunch will be sent to the districts and the distribution charge will be upon the districts. Help from the pharmaceuticals will be taken in printing and posting of Journals.
If there will be monetary crisis the zones will give proportionate assistance to cover up the expenditure. Initially it will be a bi monthly publication to be converted to monthly with active participation of the members.
The Editor will take clerical assistance and payment will be made for it from the Central Office. The Journal will be printed and distribution from the area where the cost of printing and distribution will be minimum. It will be decided by the EB from time to time.
Any other publication of the society will be under the guidance of the Editor. The Editor of the Zone from which president is elected will be the joint Editor /co-editor and all other zonal Editors will be assist Editor of the Journals.
All the appeals shall be preferred to the General Body of the society and the decision of the General Body shall be final.
Any casual vacancy amongst the Governing Body, shall be filled by the resolution passed the Governing Body such appoint(s) shall be confirmed by the General Body in its coming General Body Meeting.
All the income of the society shall be utilized only for the promotion and upliftment of the aims and objects of the society. Sources of income of the society are as under.
a) Admission Fee & subscription from the members of the society.
b) Donations and special contributions.
c) Funds generated by Exhibitions, Functions, Seminars and other cultural programs arranged by the Society.
Districts - Membership Fees = 70%
Saving from CMEs
Public / Private donations
Interest on corpus
Zones - Membership Fees = 20%
Zonal conference saving = 100%
National conference saving = 50%
Publication, local & national workshop and EME saving
Donation from public / private sector
Interest on Corps
Centre - Membership Fees = 20%
National Conference Saving = 50%
Administrative charges from pharmaceuticals or other sources
Interest on Corpus:
District will close their account by end of March 31st of each year. Send it by latest 30th April to the zone. The zone will close all the districts expenditure and the zonal expenses and prove the return by 30th May of each year with a copy to the centre.
The Centre will club its own expenses and produce the return as soon as possible at the end of the Financial Year.
The Previous year’s income and expenditure will be given to the EB and GB as these events will be taking place before the end of the financial year. The statements will be sent to every member along with the final announcement of the National Conference / zonal conference. It should be concise and it broad headings. The details shall be disclosed only in EB.
The governing Body is authorized to appoint / nominate, any time, the Advisory Board to solve any matter / issues. The Governing Body o the society can nominate nay Office Bearers/ Executive Members as the Chairman of this kind of Advisory Board.
The funds of the society shall be kept in a schedule bank. The President or General Secretary and Treasurer shall operate the bank account of the society.
Financial year of society shall start from 1st April to 30th March every year.
24. AUDIT:
The accounts of the society shall be audited by the qualified auditor (Chartered Accountant) every year.
Joint signatures of Treasure and any one out of President and General Secretary shall operate Bank Accounts.
once in every year a list of office bearers and the Executive Member (of the Governing body) shall be filled in the office of the Register of Society, Delhi, as it is required under Section 4 of ‘SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1860’.
If the society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per provisions laid down under the Section 13 & 14 of ‘SOCIETTIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1860‘.
Society may sue and / or be used in the name of President as per provisions laid down under Section 6 of the ‘SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1860’ as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi.
Any amendment in Memorandum, Rules and Regulation will be carried out in accordance with section 12 & 12A of the ‘SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1860’, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi.
All the provisions under all the Section of the ‘SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT OF 1860’, as applicable to National capital Territory of Delhi, shall be applicable to this society.
Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules & Regulations of the society.